De Groene Boomhut - Veldhoven
Welcome to De Groene Boomhut Veldhoven , where we offer both daycare and after-school care (BSO) for children. Situated in a quiet, green area, close to ASML, our location offers a safe and warm place where children from 0 to 12 years old can fully develop, play and grow.

Contact details
Eikebeek 2, 5501 CN Veldhoven
Email address:
Telephone (limited availability):
+31 (06) 39 10 30 73
LRK number Eikebeek BSO: 257829210
LRK number Eikebeek day care: 329412127
Important reports
Inspection report
There are 3 GGD inspection reports. You can find them all here: BSO expansion , BSO and Daycare .
Pedagogical policy plan
Read it here .
Reporting code
Read it here .
Complaints regulations
Read it here .
Safe sleeping protocol
Read the protocol here.
Tarieven Veldhoven
Vind meer informatie over onze tarieven op de tarievenpagina.
Hier kunt u de tarieven van Veldhoven inzien.